Categories: just me

Bryan Adams – Rebel

Se spune ca prima dragoste nu se uita niciodata :), asa ca ia uitati ce am gasit eu aici (si ce-mi mai place, ce voce are :X):

P.S.: Incercati sa intelegeti versurile, sunt geniale!!!

He made his way back to the old town
And everything looked just the same
The shops and the schools and the factories were there
But somehow the faces had changed

So he went for a walk in the high street
Took his coat off and rolled up his sleeves
He thought of his father and his father before him
And how he was the first one to leave

Well he didn’t come here for forgiveness
There isn’t a lot they can say
Cause I remember the reasons he first ran away

He’s a rebel
Just a rebel
Got his back to the wall
Gonna fight ’til he falls
He’s a rebel

Don’t ever look back – don’t surrender
The old men say they’ve seen it before
Oh they drink their beer and they talk about friends
Who didn’t come back from the war

Don’t say he’s too young to remember
Don’t tell him what’s wrong or what’s right
Just give him a chance to get out there and fight

He’s a rebel
Just a rebel
All the battles are won
But he’s still on the run
He’s a rebel

When it comes time for leavin’
Don’t stand in my way
There’s nothin’ left for me here
Gonna run, run away

In the morning he walks past the old house
In the rain under grey northern sky
There’s a new coat of paint on the front garden gate
But there’s more there than first meets the eye

For a moment he stands undecided
Looking back on the days of his youth
As two worlds collide in a moment of truth

He’s a rebel

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