“My love, we have seen it all
The Endless confession,The rise and fall
As fragile as a child
Lately I’m sorry I can’t hold a smile
But I stand tall to get by
No matter how hard I try to hide
Did you know I take the time for you
Did you know that I would see you through
Did you know that I would play the part
I must’ve made it clear right from the start”
20 mai 2008! O zi de neuitat! E ziua cand am vazut-o pe Celine, live, face to face! Concertul a fost pur si simplu… magnific! De fapt concert e putin spus, a fost un adevarat show, spectacol de cel mai inalt nivel, dansatori, lumini, scena, toate astea umbrite de vocea senzationala care iti da fiori de fiecare data! E greu de exprimat in cuvinte tot ce poti simti intr-un asemenea moment. Stiu sigur ca nu poate fi egalat de niciun alt moment. Sper s-o mai vad si la alte concerte!
Acustica la Bercy e exceptionala, Celine e mai presus decat orice! Celine rules!
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